Speech and Language Therapist based in Altrincham
07792 076188

I have been a practising Speech and Language Therapist since graduating from Manchester University in 2002. In 2006 I gained my post basic dysphagia qualification to be able to work with people with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties. In 2023 I completed the SOS Approach to Feeding course, specifically to support those with sensory and/or behavioural feeding issues.
I have worked in a variety of settings including primary and secondary mainstream and special needs schools, the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, and the community. I now specialise in a range of paediatric feeding and swallowing issues, and sound difficulties.
I am a member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) and the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practise (ASLTIP).
I have been combining working independently with being employed by the NHS and other organisations since 2006. I currently work part time for the NHS in the community, whilst also raising my own family.
My special interests include:
Dysphagia (eating drinking and swallowing difficulties)
Weaning difficulties
Food aversion
Speech sound difficulties
Articulation difficulties e.g. lisp