Speech and Language Therapist based in Altrincham
07792 076188

- Free initial telephone consultation and
- Assessment
- Therapy
- Programme/targets/advice for school
or home
- Reports
- Liaison with nhs therapist or school
- Ongoing support and review

Please contact me for an initial discussion either via the contact form, email or telephone.
Should you wish to proceed, initial assessment usually takes place in your home and lasts between 1-2 hours, depending on the child and the type of difficulties they are having.
A detailed background history will be taken and direct and/or indirect assessment will be completed using formal (assessment materials) and informal (observation, play, conversation etc) techniques.
For a feeding and swallowing assessment your child will be observed eating and drinking, and sometimes a stethoscope will be used to listen to their swallow.
Following assessment, advice is given regarding possible diagnosis and options for intervention.
Therapy sessions for speech sound difficulties are usually 45 minutes per week, which includes therapy plus time for feedback/discussion. However this can be discussed and longer or shorter, or more or less frequent sessions can be arranged depending on the needs of the individual.
Intervention for feeding issues often involves advice and a program to follow, with ongoing support and review.
Working independently means not being limited to a certain number of sessions or treatment blocks - therapy can be offered in a way that suits the needs of the individual. People often ask how many sessions a person will need, but unfortunately this is very difficult to answer as everyone responds differently to therapy. Other factors affecting time taken to achieve goals include age, cognitive ability, motivation and support, amongst other things.

I live in Altrincham but travel to your home or other venue (nursery/school) for assessment and intervention. A charge will be made for travel depending on the distance covered/time taken.

Please feel free to contact me any time. I will respond as soon as possible.